

Luca Magnoni
Founder & CEO 

Founder & CEO of Quidow, Tootoom, Hydrogen and lecturer of Brand Strategy at Accademia di Comunicazione of Milan. As designer, musician, journalist and digital artist, he has contributed since the beginning to the avant-garde artistic trends affirming the power of digital development as a means of expression and communication.

After gaining significant experience in Milanese agencies, in 2004 he takes on the management of the national magazines, Computer Arts and Computer Arts Special, leading them to become the focal point for Italian creativity. In 2008 he became Creative & Design Director of the Ninja group, the first non-conventional Italian agency, introducing the concept and techniques of Unconventional Marketing and Guerrilla which in a short time radically changed the communication system in Italy and the relationship between companies and consumers .

The successes achieved in the international field led him in 2006 to be appointed Executive Member of the IADAS of New York (International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences), the prestigious organization gathering the brightest creative minds of the world and which constitutes the international jury of the Webby Awards and Lovie Awards, the Web Oscar.

Michelangelo Tagliaferri
Founder, Social Scientist & Academic

Founder and Scientific Director of Accademia di Comunicazione – Foundation in Milan, Michelangelo Tagliaferri graduated in jurisprudence and sociology. He is a territorial participatory planning expert and he used to lecture in sociology at Università di Bologna and Università Cattolica di Milano. He has been a communications consultant for important advertising agencies and companies since 1972, and is involved in communication research and training for business and public authorities.

He is responsible for Communications for the Equal Project (Agenzia di Cittadinanza); Communication Activities Consultant for the Dipartimento Tossicodipendenze of Comune di Milano; Communication Strategy Consultant for Ministero della Salute; Member of the Scientific Committee for the cultural of Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico of Milan, Istituto Nazionale per la cura dei Tumori and Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta; Communications and Communication Projects Consultant for Istituto Superiore di Sanità; Communication Strategy Consultant for Aifa (Agenzia del Farmaco); Communication Strategy Consultant for MIUR; Consulent for Expo Saragozza 2008 and Shangai 2010 exhibitions and for Milan’s candidacy; Communications Consultant for Farnesina D.G. 3 for the internationalization and promotion of Italian enterprises abroad; Responsible for the Communications for One Dream One City Project – supported by Comune di Milano Expo; Training Manager of Distretto della Comunicazione of Regione Puglia; Member of the Communication Committee for the revival of Sassi di Matera; Communications Consultant for the European initiative “La Notte dei Ricercatori”, organised in collaboration with Università di Ferrara and Consorzio aster of Regione Emilia Romagna; Responsible for Communications of Rosa Bianca party for On. Savino Pezzotta campaign; Responsible for innovation processes of Datamonitor – Rome; Advice on Communication and Communication Research for Comune di Roma and mayor Alemanno; Communication Activities Consultant for Regione Campania President; Communication Activities Consultant for the company Spin Web, regarding the application of digital technology to political communication.

He was called by Cardinal Ravasi to join the Pontifical Council for Culture. He is a member of ASviS, the Italian Agency for Sustainable Development.

Fabrizio Loveri
Founder & Design Director

Art Lover, Fabrizio Loveri began his creative career by devoting himself to Street Art. His passion later led him to deepen the study of image dynamics with artistic studies on verism. The mix of the two souls then merges into the graphics, continuing the academic studies and approaching into a wider world in which communication becames alive through the platforms he generates.

Co-Founder of Tootoom, Quidow and Hydrogen, Fabrizio Loveri is considered one of the greatest talents in the field of visual arts, managing to define new digital communication standards in the creation of highly innovative Web and Software interfaces. His works are characterized by a perfect integration between the different media, in which Art and Design find the correct expressive balance.

Lorenzo De Marinis
Founder & Communication Director

Cinematographic, radio and television author, active also in independent projects, he has contributed for many years in the major production centers, achieving significant successes such as “Le Iene” and “Camera Café”.

He has assisted in the production of documentaries for european networks like the BBC, and he has had responsibility for projects of elevated cultural depth such as “Bastoggi” for independent production centers.

Even if he is without doubt part of the refined and cultured world, his projects are characterized by an accessible language closely linked to everyday life. The delicate mixture of classicism and contemporaneity, of holy and profane, guarantees that his texts are always immediate and never banal.

He is a writer of quality.

Kenneth Lomas
Founder & Financial Advisor

Born in England but in Italy for 40 years, after 5 years in an investment bank in London and 3 years in a German bank in Hamburg, Ken spent about 30 years in what is now Intesa Sanpaolo at its head office in Milan, with responsibilities first in Treasury and later as Global Head of Export Finance, also taking on directorships on the Board of several of the bank’s foreign subsidiaries.

Once having completed his banking career, he was offered the role of consultant of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Rome, the largest state holding company in Italy which is controlled by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

At the moment Ken is export finance consultant to Imagro Spa, an Italian company active in the organization of large export projects which require the creation of a multiple supply chain of exporters and the organization of the necessary financing.

In Tootoom, his great experience is focused on the financial aspects of projects and their applications in the Italian major corporate sector.

Alberto Inzaghi
Founder & Legal Advisor

Alberto is a lawyer with expertise in Industrial Property, Commercial Rights and Civil Liability.
He teaches economic and juridical classes in various institutes, both public and private, also in international seminars.
Having worked for years in the field of Patents and Copyright he’s able to help Companies with Legal Advice since the beginning through all the evolution of the Brand.

He matured international experiences and developed a net of contacts in Brasil, where he provides legal advice.

Davide Zambon

Graduated in Automation Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Davide Zambon is an extremely cross-disciplinary and multi-cultural person. He is so passionate and curious about Formal Science as he is about Social Science, forms of Arts, and holistic disciplines; he is an avid reader always seeking lofty goals that will let him sharpen his understanding of mathematical modelling, algorithms and systems theory.

His deeply-rooted belief that Mathematics is the essence of life itself has inspired him to attend several international specialization courses to gain new insights and to get closer to his dream of making the world a better place and reaching a better understanding of the meaning of life.

His great versatility has allowed him hold very different positions through his career, working as a researcher at the DEIB of Politecnico di Milano (Dynamics of complex systems), as a consultant for Apple Retail Italia, as a software engineer for Accenture and for a Google Campus project, before landing in Tootoom where his deep knowledge has blossomed studying the first ever algorithms in the world able to decipher human behaviours in the perspective of a complete interaction between Human and Machine. His innate skills and his mastery of the codes allowed him to create the pillars of Sensodata® Analysis in Quidow and to define the structure of a unique and proprietary Software, ensuring the best engaging experience in a highly sophisticated interface.

Carlo Giordano
IT Software Architect

Technology and mathematics enthusiast Carlo Giordano is one of the leading international experts in the creation of coded algorithms. His first approach to the computer world and to Code Programming goes back to childhood when he was just five years old when he started his first programming experiments through the Amiga Commodore Unix systems. Over the years he has developed his professional skills working in the technological, financial, publishing and energy sectors, innovating the IT structures of Big Companies including Unicredit, Deutsche Bank, Intesa SanPaolo, Banca Mediolanum, Cattolica Assicurazioni, Enel, RCS, Accenture and Fincons Group.

His constant effort to seeking technical excellence to offer creative and functional solutions, led him in a short time to obtain important international awards and to collaborate on international Open Source projects with Ubuntu and Google.

Thanks to the strong skills acquired and his mastery of the codes, he managed to create a unique and proprietary scalable architecture in Quidow capable of supporting the analysis of the Sensodata® on a global scale by adopting the most performing and innovative solutions at Cyber Security level, ensuring a highly engaging experience in a highly sophisticated interface.

© 2024 Tootoom S.r.l.
Via Giacomo Zanella 54/56 - 20133 Milan - Italy
P.IVA e C.F. 08626950961 - Ufficio registro imprese di Milano REA MI-2038070 - Capitale sociale € 10.000 i.v.